Internet Topology
Free Software
GDTANG: The Geographic Directed Tel Aviv University Network Generator. This is a Perl program that generates synthetic Internet-like topologies using an improved Barabasi-Albert type model. It produces networks with a a power-law degree distribution (of course). However, it also produces:
• A much more realistic "Dense Core",
• A pretty accurate number of leaves,
• More realistic maximal degrees.
• Geographically meaningfull clusters
• It is also surprisingly fast (in comparison to BRITE or Inet).
See our papers below for more details.
The older, undirected and non-geographic generator (TANG) can be found here.
1.S. Bar, M. Gonen, and A. Wool. A geographic directed preferential Internet topology model.
Technical report, 2005. arXiv:cs.NI/0502061.
2. S. Bar, M. Gonen, and A. Wool. An incremental super-linear preferential Internet topology model. In 5th Annual Passive & Active Measurement Workshop (PAM), Antibes Juan-les-Pins, France, April 2004.
3. G. Sagie and A. Wool. A clustering approach for exploring the Internet structure. In Proc. 23rd IEEE Convention of Electrical & Electronics Engineers in Israel (IEEEI), pages 149-152, September 2004. Here is the full technical report (postscript).
4. Y. Shavitt, X. Sun, A. Wool, and B. Yener. Computing the unmeasured: An algebraic approach to Internet mapping. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, 22(1):67-78, 2004.
A preliminary version of this work appeared in IEEE INFOCOM'2001.
Impact of our work
1.Cidr-report: an up-to-date BGP data repository.
2. The graphviz page at AT&T, home of the neato and dot graph layout programs.
3. CAIDA, home of the Skitter project and other cool Internet visualization tools.
Useful links